Bitner Patio / Tasting Reservations Required

Reservations are required for patio tastings and available to Members Only until further notice.

As co-vid cases and COLD WEATHER CONTINUE; we will only be open to LIMITED patio reservations for Members ONLY.

Tastings include a wine flight (3 wine tastings / 1.5 ounce pours)

Tasting Fee: Nonmember $10 / Members (2 Free Tastings)

  • As we are extremely small staff and limited patio seating and heaters, recommended booking 24-hour in advance.

  • Currently, we are limiting tastings to groups of 4 or less.

  • Seating arrangements on our deck have been reconfigured to ensure safe distancing between parties, please do not move tables.

  • MASKS ARE REQUIRED: Guests are required to wear face mask while not seated at their tables.

Cancellation Policies: 

  • Cancellation the same day will inquire a charge to the wine club account: 1 bottle of Dry Rose & $10.00 tipping fee.

  • Cancellation due to weather, no charge.